Instantly trade submit page links with all of the sites listed in the table below!
Its simple and easy to do plus you will instantly be added to every FUTURE participant too!
lets make this quick and easy - nothing fancy but a couple of things you need to know:
There are no rules per se but if the requirements for listing on your
site are similar to everyone else's then it will prolly work better
site name: the name of your site not the url (ie LinkAlotaPuss not capitalize it and make it look pretty :)
warning page: is the url for the warning page of your site that surfers see
Recip page: is the url for the submit or rules page of your site and must have
the following html on it somewhere
You can edit any of the table tag to make it fit your site but keep the java
intact the way it is now
If you submit
your linklist, don't remove the table!
We only review about once a month so keep the faith - if you
submit it and its a regular linklist odds are it will be listed
This is the current table:
More places to submit your site |